Personal Pages of RC Shikles
These are Photos of home, family, travels, hope you enjoy
Let me share some pictures and information with you
                   Return to Personal Home Page
     Page 1    Personal/Home Photos
     Page 2    Home/Family Photos
     Page 3    China Teaching Tour, 2003-6
     Page 4    What will come next?
Trip 1    Austria/Europe March 2000
Trip 2    New Zealand/Australia August 2000
Trip 3    France/Switzerland March 2001
Trip 4    France Rivera March 2001
Trip 5    Costa Rica July 2001
Trip 6    Philippine Islands Trip
Now let's go to Monoco

The HOME of the Prince of Monoco

Monoco Bay, the left 'half'

Monoco Strip, the right 'half'

Grace Kelly, Princess of Monoco, still getting flowers

A little Private Party at a private Chato


Some got a chato and invited us for wine and cheese

Turn around and you have the swimming pool and a view of the Mediterranian

Here is Cannes
Home of the Annual Film Festival


The bay of Cannes and the Film Festival Auditorium

Beautiful strip at Cannes

Cannes beach provided views of interesting people

Just up the cost from Cannes is Antibe


The ancient and famous town of Antibe

View of the old wall of Antibe on the Mediterranian

Sunday at the Antibe market

Some of the beautiful along the Cannes/Antibe coast
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