Personal Pages of RC Shikles
These are Photos of home, family, travels, hope you enjoy
Let me share some pictures and information with you
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     Page 1    Personal/Home Photos
     Page 2    Home/Family Photos
     Page 3    China Teaching Tour, 2003-6
     Page 4    What will come next?
Trip 1    Austria/Europe March 2000
Trip 2    New Zealand/Australia August 2000
Trip 3    France/Switzerland March 2001
Trip 4    France Rivera March 2001
Trip 5    Costa Rica July 2001
Trip 6    Philippine Islands Trip
Glad to show off my kids and family

Christmas 2007, We are all together again.

Proud to have Brent as my new son-in-law with Jessica.

Proud to have this older photo with my daughters.

Wow, I think this photo is 2002?

This is Sarah and now the baby at 8 years old

This is Rebecca my sweety at 11 years old.

This is the "old brother" at 16 years old.

This is our biologist and intellectual at 14 years old.

These pictures are so rare these days.   My brothers and I gathered for
mothers 85th birthday.   Mother died in 2003, my first year in China.

Love the winter time snow and cold

My grandson Chris, loves to play around

Sara and I sit quietly and watch the others during a family gathering.

Here's Chris and Caleb skiing for the first time (Jan 2000)

Chris and Caleb ready to LEARN how to ski?

Chris taking lessons from his instructor ??
Granpa, why can't we take the Chair Lifts??

Got to be an easier way to get up this hill

You won't get the best of me this time!!
This is more like it

Hurry up granpa, catch up.

"Are we going to come back next year granpa???
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