Liuzhou China, 2003-4
Guangxi University of Technology Teaching Tour
Let me share some pictures and information with you

Page 1    Liuzhou City, Guangxi Province
Page 2    Guangxi University of Technology
Page 3    GXTU Students
Page 4    Liuzhou City - 2003 Christmas
Page 5    Activities of Liuzhou City
Page 6    Meeting Liuzhou People
Special 1    Chinese Weddings
Special 2    Huachi Hot Springs Trip
Special 3    End of School Year 2004
Special 4    Beihai, South China Seaport
Special 5    Trip to Jinziu Yaozu County
Special 6    Student Stories & Essays

Let me introduce you to Yuan Xiong and his bride Luo Heng.

No, this is not my wedding.

A Chinese wedding is not long, sharing of wine and flowers
are always beautiful waysto share this moment.

Some of our Language Department guests catch up on the news while waiting for the bride and groom.

No, this is not my wedding.    Let me introduce you to HeShiHen and his bride DongMei.

A Chinese wedding is not long, the parents of HeShiHen and DongMei greet
the bride and groom with a time of greetings and pictures, and the couple is married.

CaiRongShou and I are happy to have our picture taken with the bride and groom.

I was honored that HeShiHen allowed me to "cheer" him and his bride for a happy future.

I am amazed at the tricks that each tables make HeShiHen and DongMei go through.
The tricks are on the verge of being cruel.

ChenYaoDong and HuangJinJua have been great friends and making my stay
at Guangxi University a wonderful experience.

It is my privledge to meet and great the entire family of HeShiHen and DonMei.

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