Liuzhou China, 2003-4
Guangxi University of Technology Teaching Tour
Let me share some pictures and information with you

Page 1    Liuzhou City, Guangxi Province
Page 2    Guangxi University of Technology
Page 3    GXTU Students
Page 4    Liuzhou City - 2003 Christmas
Page 5    Activities of Liuzhou City
Page 6    Meeting Liuzhou People
Special 1    Chinese Weddings
Special 2    Huachi Hot Springs Trip
Special 3    End of School Year 2004
Special 4    Beihai, South China Seaport
Special 5    Trip to Jinziu Yaozu County
Special 6    Student Stories & Essays

This picture best describes this busling town of 1.4 million people.   Old buildings being
torn down, new ones being built and roads being widened all over town.

Again and again roads are being widened to handle this 1.4 million people in such close quarters.


Keeping this town clean is a chore and you will find workers working 24 hours a day
keeping the streets swept up.

There is always work for those who will work, and most of the work done is done by hand.
Farming, construction and all is normally done by hand.



The people of Liuzhou are also very proud of their parks, and the flower business in China is very large.

The Parks are wonderful gathering places for those who want to sing, and their is much singing in Liuzhou.

The Parks also are for those who want to play music.   There are many kinds of instruments played.

You will find groups like this gathering in all the parks, especially on weekends.
They are wonderful to listen to and have such enthusiasm and fun.

Yes, the electrical work is still being worked on.

Yes, the mail system is different and fairly open.

The postal mailing method is also different.

The bathroom or WC (water closet) is also different.   This is also the shower room, watchout for the hole.
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