Liuzhou China, 2003-4
Guangxi University of Technology Teaching Tour
Let me share some pictures and information with you

Page 1    Liuzhou City, Guangxi Province
Page 2    Guangxi University of Technology
Page 3    GXTU Students
Page 4    Liuzhou City - 2003 Christmas
Page 5    Activities of Liuzhou City
Page 6    Meeting Liuzhou People
Special 1    Chinese Weddings
Special 2    Huachi Hot Springs Trip
Special 3    End of School Year 2004
Special 4    Beihai, South China Seaport
Special 5    Trip to Jinziu Yaozu County
Special 6    Student Stories & Essays

Welcome to the Language Department trip to Huachi Hot Springs in Honor of Womens Day.

Along the way we crossed many of these small farming villages.

These kind of farm tractors were found everywhere.

Unfortunately we came across an accident where that was a "hit and run" after
hitting a farm cart and ox.   Mr Nong became our Chief Inspector.

Mr Nong then had a meeting with his "Investigation Team" to discuss
what to do next, while Mr Huang provides further information.

We had to make a stop to stretch our legs at Xiangzhou the county seat.
LiangShuJie, ZhangJing and LiXueFeng wanted to see this mrmorial tower before leaving.

YangMei was interested as I in these older folks who had gathered at the momorial tower to play.
I notice there small groups gather in many places to play old chinese instruments.

This is ChenYaoDong's home town of Xiangzhou and he was proud to show me (along with some curious boys) this ancient gate from the Qin dynasty from around 100-250 BC and still stands after all these years.

And there was a local ole gentleman who had all the wonderful stories since he knew all the stories.
No he is not as old as the gate.

Several of our teachers were also interested in the old gate.

This is now a library for children, but it was originally an old house for a rich man.

Of course we have to have lunch before traveling further.

ChenYaoDong is so busy reading his paper, he has lost track of where he is going.

WuZuBing (ChenYaoDong's wife) sure notices a problem.   Does our leader know where we are going?".

We are headed to a hill side part where people gather and picnic

Gathering with family and relaxing is a great pass time anywhere in the world.

My Chinese lady friends always enjoy their picture being taken.   Especially amoung the flowers.

Well, we reached the top of the mountain. These are old rocks and I never understood the story, but they are sharp on the hands to climb.

A little "vending" for your enjoyment, glad I did not have to "lug" this up the hill.

At the entrance of the park, they were loading some sugar cane for the market.   Guess who the boss is?

We finally made it to the Huachi hot spring, sure is warm water.

It is customary to bring eggs to cook in the hot springs.

Ohhhhhh this sure feels good, this is what we came to experience.

Hey, how did that "spy" with the glasses get in here?   Oh, that is the Vice Dean, HuangJiangSheng.

Oh, yes sir, we did not know we had to buy a ticket, we will get right out, please do not call the police.
Mr Huang, this means you also.

What can be said about our leader?
HuangJin earned a nap.

SuYu and everyone had a tiring day.
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